Looking Ahead to Sunday, August 4 The morning worship service will include blessing of the new school year, distribution of Bibles (2nd grade) and Catechisms (4th grade), blessing of students, and installation / placement of new faculty. A congregation meal will follow potluck-style with hog roast meat provided. Everyone is invited to worship with us at 9:00 a.m. that day and attend the meal following the service.

175th Anniversary Mission Project Offering As a part of St. John’s 175th anniversary celebration, the church council and voters assembly approved adopting a local, regional, and international need. A description of each and additional information can be found in the yellow brochure at church or download brochure. Please consider supporting this outreach effort by using the yellow envelopes designated as “175th Anniversary mission Project Offering."

175th Anniversary Commemorative Ornaments Pre-order forms are available in the Narthex. Completed forms can be placed in Kathy Minich’s mailbox and if you have any questions, please contact Kathy Minich at (260) 341-9108.

Ongoing Shoe (Boot) Collection We continue to accept donations of any kind of shoe, boot, sandal, etc. in any condition for Changing Footprints who gets them to those in need or recycles into playgrounds.

I Was Hungry Food Collection

This in gathering takes place monthly on the first Sunday of the month, however, donations are welcome at any time during the month.. Donations support the Monroeville and Hessen Cassel Food banks. The food banks also appreciate either Meijers or Walmart gift cards so they can pick up what is most needed. Summer needs are Chef Boyardee® Items, Macaroni and Cheese, Jelly, Diced Tomatoes, Canned Soup, and Empty Egg Cartons.

175th Anniversary Celebration

Click to see most recent informational posts.

St John-Emmanuel Lutheran School (SJ-E) NEWS

Enrollment for 2024-2025 The school year begins on Wednesday, August 7; individuals can still enroll for the coming school year. Please contact the School Office for more information at (260) 639-0123.

We need your help! Do you have a talent or interest you would be willing to share with our students?  We are looking for volunteers to come to our school during the next school year and share some activity time with students in all grades.  This would be a short-term commitment on your part, and we would help get you started.  If you have any questions or would like to participate, please contact Mrs. Dunkin. 

SJ-E is seeking a resource teacher and music teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have someone in mind that could serve in either of these positions, please reach out to Mrs. Dunkin.
